Police Department
The City of Waverly Police Department continually examines the needs and values of the Citizens of this community. We respect each individual's beliefs and standards of conduct according to Law. We will make efficient and effective responses to all calls for service to promote and maintain the protection of the City of Waverly and its Citizens.
We focus on priorities and plan protection actions to fit into the complete network of Waverly. The purpose of the Waverly Police Department is to represent the criminal justice sytem and define how it relates to the social principles of community values. We will build our resources and operations on the foundation of our mission. We will keep pace with standards of care entrusted to us and are ready to accept the Challenge of defending our Community.
If you need to contact Waverly Police, please call (217) 435-2351.
Chief of Police - VACANT
Assistant Chief - Jason Divjak
Officers - Matt Turner, Mike Robinson, Josh Phares, and James Bettis
After hours, Morgan County Sheriff's Office also serves Waverly and they can be reached at (217) 243-6103, opt 3
If you are witnessing a crime in progress or are experiencing an emergency, please dial 911.